I did my first prenatal yoga class today - so glad I went. It was definitely interesting to try out. Here are my observations:
1. it is a pre/post-natal, so there were some mothers with their babies in the class, which was interesting. The babies were so cute but it definitely makes it a bit more louder than normal.
2. We started out by telling our names, how far we were and what we were bringing into the labor room with us. I of course I had no clue except for my husband and champagne. I think I was in the midst of a lot of au natural moms because a lot of them were doing home births and having Shalams (not sure what that is or if I am even spelling it right) and I am sure they all looked at me like I was a bad mom for saying champagne. But oh well, I am who I am!
3. I liked this for the most part, but it got annoying when some of the people went on and on and on - I was like, say it in 30 seconds and move on people, I have yoga to do.
4. The class overall was great, I was so happy to get back to doing yoga - albeit it was a bit more tame than my usual 2/3 classes - but it was great for me and I felt great and knowing I was doing the moves properly while pregnant helped a lot.
5. There were a lot of women who were in their third trimester, including a few at 40 weeks. I was impressed and hoped that I could go that far with yoga in my pregnancy. Honestly, all of these women looked great too with big bellies and no body fat.
6. We told more stories in the middle of class while doing squats - this one was how we found out. I think everyone got a chuckle out of my story that I had been in New Orleans for Mardi Gras - drinking. The teacher said Tim and sounded like fun people (that or just lushes). Tim was in Cabo. Again, fun to tell stories but some ladies went on and one...seriously, they need to be taught how to condense their stories so everyone can talk.
7. I feel so much better now that I have tried it and I plan to go to the class twice a week. The teacher felt I could be doing yoga three times a week given the level of my practice, so that is my plan going forward. I just hope I relax a bit more and enjoy the story time instead of becoming my usual impatient self wanting to move instead of chat!